April 27, 2014

Our Garden in Progress

We are amateur gardeners at best, but we are attempting to have a better growing garden this year than last. We are surrounded by amazing gardens, due to the Slovenes favorite past time. If we allowed our competitive nature to show up in our garden pursuits we would face only defeat. Thankfully we are enjoying the learning curve and hopefully in due time we will reap the blessings of a bountiful harvest.  Stay tuned for the "AFTER" pictures in July/August.


THEN, came a trip up the hill 4x to get horse manure to turn into our hard soil from our horse ranch friend, Darinka.

THEN, a lot of work with my cute helpers

THEN, Mikaela's garden is birthed

AND, Tahlia's soil is ready for her garden

And then..... you will have to wait and see just like us. Stay tuned for the pictures that show the fruits from our labor.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed your garden story with pics! Thanks for sharing!
    Karen Wilson
