March 6, 2015

Chivalry is Not Dead!

It snows here in the winter, ALOT. Not that we get tons of storms, but when one blows in it can easily dump a couple feet at a time. This leads to a ton of work at trying to remove the snow from our driveway. The neighbors usually all work at this together, including Majda who is 60+ years old. This snow removal can punish you and can easily take a few hours of work. That is why this picture below is so precious. The boys did this work without being asked. Ashley just happened to look over and see the boys cleaning snow from Majda's driveway. It really does melt our heart and cause us to realize that the things we are teaching are beginning to set into their hearts, even when it seems like it isn't! Thanks Braden and Karsten for your hearts of service!