July 15, 2010

Worthless Bloggers!

I admit we are terrible at upkeep on this thing. I think I have said "I will do it tomorrow" for about 60 straight days. Well here we are again and I thought I would post a slide show, mostly of the kiddos and their summer play. They are growing up fast and you can see their unique personalities if you look closely at these photos. This summer has been crazy so far!

For anyone who doesn't know, and actually reads this thing (I'm hopeful we will be building a following as the year goes on!), we should tell you that our family is raising support to serve as missionaries in Radovljica, Slovenia (Picture Above). Check out all our info on the sidebar. We look forward to sharing more about God's work in this amazing country as the days go by!


  1. The Buhl's are still reading!

  2. Thanks for the update and the pics of the kids, its so nice to keep up with them from afar :). The one of the boys with their twin girlfriends is sooo cute!! Thanks again
