April 4, 2009

First Blog Post, First Soccer Game

We are entering the blogosphere and I figured what better way to start then by writing about Tahlia's first soccer game! We remember playing ourselves and it was surreal watching our firstborn begin her years of sport (if you don't count swimming, and I DON'T!). She actually has some mad skills, and after watching her I think she would hold her own in a pee wee football league. Even with all that aggressiveness she somehow manages to keep her princess like manners! Lastly, in case you were wondering about the background in the title bar, yes that is where we live - we are very blessed to see this scenery almost daily!
look at the foot control
watching sissy? or thinking about opening day this week?

the best part of youth league


  1. awwh, how fun to keep everyone up on you're sweet family. thank you!

  2. So excited you started a blog, although it's making miss you guys all the more!:) Love you!

  3. Very fun Ashley! Oh, your kids are so cute! The boys are such a mix of you and Chris! Are you planning any trips down here this summer? We are going up to WA, gotta see if your house could be on the way!!
    Cindy Waldeck
