September 2, 2014

3rd and 5th

Today was the start of Tahlia and Mikaela's third year of Slovene school. As pictured, Tahlia started 5th grade today and Mikaela 3rd. They were precious as they packed up their backpacks,  dressed in their "first day of school" attire and courageously walked into the school building. They were strong and courageous, an answer to our prayers.  I am so proud of how they contentedly face the daily challenges of being foreigners, of not fully understanding language, and often being "the one" who didn't bring the correct bag OR brought one and didn't need to. I CAN'T even imagine what it's like as a child to face these bumps. I am proud and blessed by their testimony because in unique ways they are learning with grace to be "that one." "That one" who will never quite fit into this culture.

I, as their mother, learned AGAIN a valuable lesson today. After much cultural, language, first day of school confusion and then wishing Mikaela and Tahlia a great first day of school, I walked through the hall listening to what sounded like 15 different languages when in actuality it was only one language that I just long to understand. Tears started welling up in my eyes, a lump was in my throat, and I felt like a small child who was lost. In the moment I prayed for the Lord to help me understand my heavy heart. You know what He revealed to me,... You are weak and that is ok, because I am strong. Trust me to care for your children, trust me to open your mind to language and loosen your tongue, trust me to empower you to declare the mysteries of me even in a foreign country, trust that I gave you the Spirit to lead you, and trust me to walk with you every step of the way.  Certainly I still long to know Slovene better, but it doesn't identify me.  My deeper desire is to be a vessel for Christ. A vessel that trusts God and proclaims that His power is made perfect in my weakness.